Setup and run an experiment

This tutorial sections covers setting up an experiment and executing it.

This tutorial will use the setup of workspace, model, and analysis as:

workspace = client.create_workspace(<workspace name>)
model = workspace.get_model("Modelica.Blocks.Examples.PID_Controller")
dynamic = workspace.get_custom_function('dynamic')

See previous tutorial chapters for details.

Setting up an experiment

The experiment can be set up from the model by either creating a SimpleModelicaExperimentDefinition class by passing the model and the dynamic custom function object:

from modelon.impact.client import SimpleModelicaExperimentDefinition

experiment_definition = SimpleModelicaExperimentDefinition(model, dynamic)

or in an even simpler way by calling the new_experiment_definition() method on the model with the dynamic custom function object as an argument:

experiment_definition = model.new_experiment_definition(dynamic)

This would again return a SimpleModelicaExperimentDefinition class object.

To override the default parameters for the dynamic simulation workflow, call the with_parameters() method on the dynamic custom function class:

experiment_definition = model.new_experiment_definition(dynamic.with_parameters(start_time=0.0, final_time=2.0))

The default set of parameters available for the custom function can be viewed by calling the property parameter_values:


The new_experiment_definition() method takes the optional arguments solver_options, simulation_options and simulation_log_level. If the solver_options and simulation_options are not explicitly defined, they default to the dynamic custom function defaults.

The simulation options can be set up as shown below:

simulation_options = dynamic.get_simulation_options().with_values(ncp=500)
solver_options = {'atol':1e-8}
experiment_definition = model.new_experiment_definition(
    dynamic.with_parameters(start_time=0.0, final_time=2.0),

It is also possible to setup a series of experiments. Here’s an example with Range operator to setup a multi-execution experiment:

from modelon.impact.client import Range

experiment_definition = experiment_definition.with_modifiers({'PI.k': Range(10, 100, 3)})

This would setup an experiment with 3 cases. There are multiple operator types as well as expansion algorithms, an experiments could be setup with. Please refer the multi-execution tutorial for more information on this. An example with Uniform operator with Sobol expansion algorithm can be found here.

Executing the experiment

Following either of the approaches listed below, the experiment definition set up could be executed:

One step execution

The experiment definition set up can now be passed to the execute() function:

experiment = workspace.execute(experiment_definition).wait()

This approach couples both the creation and execution of the experiment in one step.

Two step execution

This approach isolates the creation and execution of an experiment as two methods:

experiment = workspace.create_experiment(experiment_definition)
experiment = experiment.execute().wait()

The benefit of this approach is that it allows the execution of a subset of the cases by passing them as a list in the with_cases argument to the execute function. This is covered in detail here.


We have called the wait() method after the execute() method to ensure that the execution process reaches completion. If wait() is not called on the model an Operation object is returned and is_complete() can be used to check the status of the execution. Calling the wait() method returns a Experiment object upon completion of the execution.